Week beginning 4/5/20
Week beginning 4th May 2020
Please complete the below tasks over the week:
- Mathletics (10 minutes a day)
- PiXL times table app activities (20 minutes a day)
- CGP 10-Minute tests (3 tests throughout the week)
- Use the links below to access online lessons:
- Simplify fractions using knowledge of common factors - BBC Bitesize
- Find missing angles - Oak National Academy
- Compare and order fractions - BBC Bitesize
- Compare and classify triangles - Oak National Academy
- Add and subtract fractions - BBC Bitesize
- Compare and classify quadrilaterals - Oak National Academy
- Adding and subtracting mixed numbers - BBC Bitesize
- Find unknown angles in triangles - Oak National Academy
- Calculate unknown angles in regular polygons - Oak National Academy
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
- PiXL Unlock app (20 minutes a day)
- ReadiWrite/Spellodrome (30 minutes a week)
- CGP 10- Minute tests (3 throughout the week)
- Use the links below to access online lessons:
- Investigate setting descriptions and context - BBC Bitesize
- Use personification effectively in a setting description - BBC Bitesize
- Use relative clauses to add detail to a setting description - BBC Bitesize
- Setting description: Using figurative language - Oak National Academy
- Read 20 minutes daily and record in your reading record
- Bug Club (minimum of 30 minutes a week)
- CGP Practice Papers (one test a week)
- Use the links below to access online lessons
- Reading Comprehension: Making inferences and justifying with evidence (Setting Description) - Oak National Academy
- Reading Comprehension: Making inferences and justifying with evidence (Setting Description) - Oak National Academy
- Read the example and identify key features (Setting Description) - Oak National Academy
- Reading lesson: Tell Me No Lies by Malorie Blackman - BBC Bitesize
- One Pobble Writing activity per day - Home Learning Pack
- Use features to write your own setting description - Oak National Academy
- Trade and economic activity - BBC Bitesize
- Algorithms and debugging - BBC Bitesize
- How plants reproduce - BBC Bitesize
- Human Body Circulatory System (Lesson 3)
Topic - India
- Compare UK and India
Topic - Vikings
- Where did the Vikings come from?
- Please complete a Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers, Cosmic Yoga, Disney Shake Up or jump rope (provided by GPJS) activity each day.
- Complete the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind daily activities from Miss Norman.
- Cyber-bullying
- What is a church? (Part 2)
If your child is having difficulty completing these activities, please click the icon below.