Week beginning 18th May 2020
Please complete the following tasks over the week:
CGP Arithmetic - pages 44 - 45
CGP Maths Targeted Question Book - pages 34 - 35
Oak National Academy - Volume
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
CGP GPS pages 44 - 45
Bugclub - Read one book and answer the questions
Oak National Academy - Instructions: Cohesive devices
BBC Bitesize - Writing a healthcare hero thank you letter
E-Safety – Tell a trusted adult
It is important to tell a trusted adult if something makes you feel upset, worried, confused or uncomfortable.
Watch the videos below:
Activities to complete (the answers can be written in the BACK of your project book OR you can discuss your answers with an adult):
Scenario question – You are playing a game online and someone starts being mean to you. What should you do?
Create your own Greek god or godess!
Look at the Greek gods and goddesses’ profiles.
Pick and choose your favourite parts of the different gods/goddesses to create a one that is stronger than Zeus!
Draw and colour this image in, write paragraph explaining their powers and abilities and give them a name using the Ancient Greek alphabet.
Please complete a Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers, Cosmic Yoga or Disney Shake Up activity each day.
Please see the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind daily activities from Miss Norman. How many can you complete.