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School Logo

Grange Park

Junior School

Striving to be the best that we can be


At Grange Park Junior School we offer the full range of National Curriculum subjects, whether that be by dedicated lessons or as part of our cross-curriculur topics.  Having access to the broad range of subjects enables our children to further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in the full curriculum arena.  They are equipped with the necessary knowledge to progress their academic journey, whether it be in the next topic, year group or later on in secondary school and beyond. 


We believe that every child has at least one area of the curriculum in which they shine. Being able to access a broad curriculum gives our pupils the opportunity to find the subject/s that they have a love for, which in turn helps them to develop into shining stars which all children have the right to be.


Please click on the links below to see what is taught in each of the subject areas.
