Please complete a Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers, Cosmic Yoga or Disney Shake Up activity each day.
Click below to see the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind activities from Miss Norman.
- CGP Maths Targeted Question Book – pages 42-43
- Compare and order angles - Oak National Academy
- CGP Maths Mental Workout – page 26
- Mathletics activities
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
- CGP Grammar, punctuation and spelling book – pages 42-43
- Spellodrome activity
- Reading comprehension - Oak National Academy
- A dangerous pet - read the first part of the story.
- Using what you have read, the image and the writing mat, continue writing the story.
- DigiSafe daily activity 26 (the answers can be written in the BACK of your project book OR you can discuss your answers with an adult)
- Watch the interactive story about the Great Fire of London
- Take part in the quiz as you go along - how many can you get correct?
- Order the events of the Great Fire of London