Keeping Ourselves Safe
You are the most important people in our school and we always want you to be safe. To help you to be safe we promise that we will teach you about keeping safe at school, at home, online and in the local community.
How will we do that?
- We will have assemblies on themes such as Children's Mental Health Week, Safer Internet Day, Young Carers, Anti-bullying week and road safety week.
- We will run workshops on keeping yourself safe from the NSPCC and the Just Enough Company - who run workshops on online bullying, health and happiness, knife crimes, hate crimes etc.
- We will use our wellbeing room sessions, PHSE lessons and computing lessons to teach you about keeping yourself safe in school, at home and in the wider community, including keeping safe online.
- We will make sure that you have access to the wellbeing room - don't forget that you can pop your worries or concerns into 'The Worry Doll'.
- We will make sure that any bullying is dealt with - see our policy below.
- We will help you all to follow the behaviour code and our ten values so that you feel safe and happy in school.
We will make sure that we always listen to you
You can talk to any adult in our school that you feel safe and comfortable to talk to.
It is important you know that if you say anything that worries an adult then they must tell one of our DSLs - this is so they can keep you safe.
Grange Park Junior School DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads) are:
- Mrs Ali
- Deputy DSLs:
- Miss Phillips
- Mrs Doohan
- Miss Shaikh
Where can you get help out of school?
Sometimes you might want to talk to an adult when you are not in school or find out information that helps you keep safe. Please click on the links below for websites that can give you some support or see the childline phone number. Don't worry it's free to call childline.
Childline - 0800 1111