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School Logo

Grange Park

Junior School

Striving to be the best that we can be

Sports News

Sports Day 2023

District Sports 2023

After competing against 10 schools in the borough, we am very proud to say that our amazing children came 3rd place in this year's District Sports event! All participating children worked extremely hard with our sports coaches Miss Foley and Mr Senior to train for this event and their hard work certainly paid off. Well done!

Stay fit and active this half term with PSD!

BOOK YOUR SPACE TODAY: https://thepsdgroup.org.uk/psd-funweeks/




Athletics Day at Brunel University

The children had a great time at Brunel University and were very excited to meet Linford Christie!


Grange Park Junior School teamed up with other South Hillingdon School Sports Network (SHSSN) schools to encourage more girls to play football! This exciting event took place in our playground with the support of Primary Sporting Development (PSD); watch our video to find out more!


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Check out our Sports Crew!

After an application and interview process, our Sports Crew were selected to support all pupils with staying active! The Sports Crew work alongside various teachers and sports coaches to make Grange Park Junior School an even more fun, healthy and active school!

Watch our video to find out who we are!.mp4

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Active Lunch Times with Primary Sporting Development 


Pupils at Grange Park Junior School are thoroughly enjoying staying active during lunch times! PSD encourage our pupils to stay active, play as part of a team and show sportsmanship at all levels.


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Inclusive New Age Curling Competition


Some of our Year 3 pupils took part in a New Age Curling Competition at Pield Heath School. The group were split into two teams and they played a number of games against other schools from across the borough. This was a brand new activity for the children taking part and I was amazed to see the progress made throughout the day. Some of the children even managed to hit the middle of the target.



World Cup Sweepstake Winners 2023!

Our children were very exciting about this year's sweepstake during the World Cup; what a great way for all of us to get involved! The winners received their very own shiny, new football. Well done!

Gold Award 2018-2019
