Week beginning 11th May 2020
Please complete the following tasks over the week:
- CGP Maths TQ - pages 34
- CGP Maths Workout pages 23
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
- CGP GPS pages 30
CGP Reading book – pages 21
- Read 'The Zoo Vet' again and complete the 'What happened next' sheet in your project book.
E-Safety – Finding reliable information
Information on the internet is not always reliable. It may be out of date, inaccurate or not completely true. It is important to compare information from different websites, check in books and talk to someone about what you have found.
Activities to complete (the answers can be written in the BACK of your project book OR you can discuss your answers with an adult):
- DigiSafe Daily activities 19
- Scenario question – You want to get a new pet but your parents said you have to research how much it will cost. What should you do to try and convince them? Is it better to have prices from one website or from a few websites? Why?
- Retell the story of Troy:
- Read the 'Trojan War Powerpoint'
- Draw the images in your project book and write the correct statement next to it.
2. Ancient Greek word search:
- Find the words that you have used this week in the word search!
- Write the words in your project books once you have found them!
- Make your own word search in your project book.
Please complete a Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers, Cosmic Yoga or Disney Shake Up activity each day.
Please see the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind daily activities from Miss Norman. How many can you complete?