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School Logo

Grange Park

Junior School

Striving to be the best that we can be


Monday 18th May



  1. Read 20 minutes daily and record in your reading record
  2. Bug Club (minimum of 30 minutes a week)
  3. Reading Comprehension (Diary) - Oak National Academy



  1. Mathletics (10 minutes a day)
  2. PiXL times table app activities (20 minutes a day)
  3. Decimals: Multiply and divide decimals b 10, 100 and 1000 - BBC Bitesize
  4. Recognise 3-D shapes and nets - Oak National Academy 



  1. PiXL Unlock app (20 minutes a day)
  2. ReadiWrite/Spellodrome (30 minutes a week)
  3. Similies, metaphors & hyperbole - BBC Bitesize 



  1.  Please complete a Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers, Cosmic YogaDisney Shake Up or jump rope (provided by GPJS) activity each day.
  2. Complete the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind daily activity from Miss Norman. 



  1. Digital Footprints 


  1. Christianity - Special Festivals