Please see the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind daily activities from Miss Norman.
Maths – Addition and Subtraction Problems
- Addition and Subtraction problems – BBC Bitesize
- Challenge – BBC Bitesize
- Mathletics activities
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling – Apostrophes for possession
Apostrophes for possession – BBC Bitesize
CGP Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Book – Pages 52-53 & 56-57
Challenge – Use your spelling list and what you have learnt this week to write 4 sentences that include a subordinate clause, contraction words and an apostrophe for possession.
The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy - BBC Bitesize
Design a new front cover for ‘The Worst Witch’.
Write your own setting description – Oak National Academy
- Watch the video – What Did Ancient Egypt Look Like?
- Write down at least 2 things you learnt in the L section of your KWL.
- Clap and speak simple rhythmic patterns - Oak National Academy
- Pulse and rhythm – BBC Bitesize
If your child is having difficulty completing the tasks above, please complete one of the 'Alternative task' activities.