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Grange Park

Junior School

Striving to be the best that we can be

Week beginning 20/04/20

Week beginning 20th April 2020


Please complete the following tasks over the week:



  1. Round and estimate, round and score, writing tenths, relating tenths and hundredths, dividing by 10 and 100, comparing decimals, decimal word problems (Home Learning pack)
  2. CGP Maths Mental Workout – pages 1-5
  3. PiXL times tables app activities
  4. 3 Mathletics activities
  5. Oak National Academy: Area and Perimeter


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

  1. Spellodrome list
  2. CGP Grammar, punctuation and spelling book – pages 4-11



  1. Where Does Our Electricity Come From? (Home Learning pack)
  2. How to Make a Simple Circuit (Home Learning pack)
  3. The Bank Robbery (Home Learning pack)
  4. Bargain Sweets (Home Learning pack)
  5. Bug Club



  1. Genius Inventor Discovers New Way to Travel (Pobble) activities - 1 sheet per day (Home Learning pack)
  2. Oak National Academy: Write a repetitive poem



  1. BBC Bitesize: Introduction to light and dark 
  2. Oak National Academy: What is light and where does it come from?



  1. BBC Bitesize: Start singing 



  1. BBC Bitesize: The importance of developing teamwork



Please complete the tasks set out below in your project book


  1. Watch the 'Being Safe Online' videos
  2. Complete a DigiSafe Daily activity each day


Please complete a Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers or Cosmic Yoga activity each day.


Miss Norman has designed Healthy Body, Healthy Mind activities for you all. Complete one activity each day.


If your child is having difficulty completing the Topic activities above, please complete the activities labelled 'Group 1'.

Home learning activity grid

Try some of the fun home learning activities suggested below:

Weekly timetable

Follow the timetable below to ensure all activities are competed by the end of the week:
