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Grange Park

Junior School

Striving to be the best that we can be


Week beginning 11th May 2020

Please complete the following tasks over the week:



  1. CGP Arithmetic - pages 36 - 37
  2. Mathletics activities & PiXL app
  3. Oak National Academy - To apply measures and conversions in context


Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

  1. Spellodrome List



  1. CGP Reading Targeted Question Book – Pages 22 - 23

  2. BBC Bitesize - Reading lesson: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan



  1. Oak National Academy - To use key features in order to write own composition 
  2. Write a book review about the bug club book that you have read this week. Use the template below:



Oak National Academy - To identify pulse and rhythm in music


E-Safety – Finding reliable information

Information on the internet is not always reliable. It may be out of date, inaccurate or not completely true. It is important to compare information from different websites, check in books and talk to someone about what you have found.

Activities to complete (the answers can be written in the BACK of your project book OR you can discuss your answers with an adult):

  • DigiSafe Daily activities 20 
  • Scenario question – You want to get a new pet but your parents said you have to research how much it will cost. What should you do to try and convince them? Is it better to have prices from one website or from a few websites? Why?



  1. Make a replica of the Trojan horse using items from around your home.
  • What material you will use?
  • Will you conceal anything inside?
  • Be as creative as you can!
  • The following videos will show different ways you can make your Trojan horse:
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Cardboard
  • Drawing
  • Origami horse
  • Lego
  • You can also use playdough, clay or any other materials that you can find!



Please complete a Joe WicksBBC SupermoversCosmic Yoga or Disney Shake Up activity each day.


Please see the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind daily activities from Miss Norman. How many can you complete.
