Week beginning 22/6/20
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Hi Year 3!
We have enjoyed being able to speak to you over the phone recently. It has been lovely to hear how many of you are enjoying the home learning tasks and all of the activities you have been doing at home.
This week, please make sure you have completed all of the activities from the week beginning 27/4/20. If you have, please complete the additional activities for this week.
Here are the highest scores for the week beginning 15/6/20:
- Mathletics - 12 500 points - Amazing!
- Spellodrome - 7000 points!
- PiXL Times Tables - 366 points!
- Bug Club - 6 children have moved to a new level!
What will the highest scores in Mathletics, Spellodrome and PiXL be? Who will get to the next level on Bug Club? Keep trying your best and see if it will be you :)
From the Year 3 teaching staff :)
Please make sure all work from the week below is completed
Street Dance:
Our street dance teacher has been very busy choreographing a street dance routine for you all. Click on the link and try along at home. Make sure you pause the video to give yourself extra time to practice each of the different sections of the dance.
Additional home learning activities:
The examples weekly timetable below is there to help you plan out your learning IF you have finished the work form 27/4/20.
If your child is having difficulty completing these activities, please click the icon below: